The deployment of IoT holds great promise for every Vertical. Much of the value comes from changing the way business is done and in changing the traditional responsibilities of the organizations in both the public and commercial sector. A natural first question is what policies and regulations no longer make sense and should be set aside to garner the benefits from IoT. The second thought is how to prepare for the transition and minimize the effect of dislocation. Two examples come to mind: the transition of TV stations from analog to digital where a considerable population of customers were left with TVs that no longer worked; and the abandonment of automotive customers with analog cellular services for early “connected cars” when service providers introduced 3G services and phased out earlier systems. The disruption of traditional wireline services – cord cutting – is creating a similar wave of impacts as communications transition to all IP Networks. A specific issue for IoT is the roles, responsibilities, and obligations of organizations in IoT ecosystems when providing end-end services – the issues range from whom do you call when the service is not working, who fixes it, and who bears the cost? The Session will provide overview talks on broad issues of Policy and Regulations and how they are being approached in different parts of the world and in different industries. The session will also discuss how deployment of IoT can be accelerated responsibly and what steps are needed in policies and regulations to keep up with the rapid evolution of IoT.