A foundational facet of IoT is the benefit that comes from data. Today it is possible to take extremely large data sets and apply analytics to find patterns, relationships, and trends that valuable in how we make decisions. The data that may be created for goods, services, or process by specialized sensors and/or the data may come from many disparate sources in many forms enriching the information and knowledge crucial for making decisions and taking action. There are many aspects to the data that is used in IoT solution and among others these include: the Provenance, Characterization, Long-term Storage and Curation, ingestion of distributed data, Access Control, Security and Privacy, display and portrayal of multi dimensional data, the handling of the volume or size of the data involved, and lastly the use of the data processing techniques and algorithms to extract information and knowledge. The Summit will explore the technologies for effectively managing and using “Big Data” and examples of applications where “Big Data” can contribute to valuable outcomes.